We need more community independent politicians in Australia
"CIP is values driven and focused beyond the electoral cycle for the greater good of society, the environment and the economy." According to Climate 200 in the 2022 federal election "nearly 1/3 of the country voted for an independent or minor party." The Australian people want something a lot better than what the big parties are giving us now. One of the great differences between community independents and the less scrupulous of the mainstream politicians is that the community independents treat their constituents with respect, they don't try to manipulate them and prey on their gullibility. If we, the people of Australia, can find and get elected more progressive community independent (sometimes called teal) candidates we will make a big step forward toward a fairer and more sustainable future. Community independent members of parliament are good for their communities, the nation and the world.
Contact: David K. Clarke – © |
The story of the community independent movements is given on the Community Independent Project (CIP) site, so there is no point in me repeating it here. This page will add a personal perspective to the CIP work. I have written about how I was motivated to write this page below. I wrote a couple of Internet pages that tended in the same direction as the CIP movement years ago:
A list of the present federal community independents...As of the time of writing this page, July 2024. We can hope, and work toward, there being many more following coming elections.In alphabetical order the present community independents in the (federal) House of Representatives, and their electorates, are:
And then, while apparently not classed as community independents, there are Andrew Wilkie, independent member for Clark in Tasmania, and Jacqui Lambie who is an independent senator, also for Tasmania.
and a little about them...The community independents have already made parliament a better place and they have started making their communities, Australia and the world a better place too. They have been very active in putting forward bills, positively amending bills, and spreading the word and hope of a better future for Australia's environment and all Australians.
Bellow is a short summary of what the individual community independents have said about themselves on their Web sites...
Some notes on the individual independentsKate Chaney, Curtin, WA
Kate states on her Web page: "As an independent community representative, I am here to represent the values and priorities of Curtin in Canberra, listen to my constituents and drive positive change. I will honour the trust you have placed in me and represent my community with strength and integrity."As the only community independent in my state, WA, and the person who took Curtin away from its previous climate change denying incumbent, Celia Hammond, Kate has particular relevance to my interests. Before Kate took Curtin it was considered to be a safe Liberal seat.
I have heard Kate speak in person twice and was very impressed with what she said and how well she expressed herself. She is plainly, like me, very concerned about climate change and wants to do as much as she can to reduce emissions.
Zoe Daniel, Goldstein, Victoria
In her inaugural speech to parliament Zoe made several key points:
Helen Haines, Indi, Victoria
Helen has shown that independents can deliver for their electorates. Quoting from her Web page: "Since I was elected in 2019, Indi has won 40 per cent of all new mobile phone towers in Victoria under the federal Mobile Black Spot Program. That makes us the most successful in the state. Dr Monique Ryan, Kooyong, Victoria
Dr Sophie Scamps, Mackellar, NSW
She lists her policy priorities as:
Rebekha Sharkie, Mayo, SA
Quoting from Rebekha's Web site: "Just some of the issues Rebekha champions in the Parliament include aged care reform, climate action, regional housing, employment and infrastructure, political donation reform, gambling reform and of course honesty, integrity and accountability in politics."Rebekha's success in representing the electorate of Mayo is particularly pleasing to me because it includes the Adelaide Hills where I lived during my first 23 years. Allegra Spender, Wentworth, NSW
She lists her policies as:
Zali Steggall, Warringah
"It’s time for Australia to prosper from our natural advantages – from clean energy resources to ‘can do’ people and smart tech – with a policy platform that sets up our economy and local business for success." Andrew WilkieIn the photo on the right Andrew Wilkie, another independent politician I greatly admire, is standing behind Zali. Mr Wilkie is apparently not usually classed as a community independent, I don't know why. Certainly he has done a lot to restore integrity to politics.Kylea Tink, North Sydney, NSW
Kylea says on her Web site "Based on community surveys, your feedback, and hundreds of conversations with people right across our electorate, I am pushing for progress on five key policy areas." She lists them as:
David Pocock, Senate
He lists his commitment as:
What motivated me to write this page?If I had to put what motivates me in general into a few words I might say a love for truth and our shared environment.
The specific trigger that caused me to write this page was the highly dishonest scare campaign that Andrew Hastie ran against the proposed Bunbury offshore wind farm zone near my home. Mr Hastie is the Liberal Member of the federal House of Representatives for the electorate that I live in, Canning. The proposed wind farm zone will border the southern part of the Canning electorate, and is about 40km from my home. The burning of fossil fuels is widely recognised as the main cause of climate change, ocean acidification, sea level rise and ocean warming. The air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels kills millions of people world-wide each year. Action to reduce the burning of fossil fuels is urgently needed. People like Andrew Hastie are standing in the way. Even longer than I have advocated for more independent parliamentarians I have pressed for the replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy, especially wind power. If the Bunbury wind farm zone goes ahead and is fully populated with the suggested 20GW of wind power it will result in a reduction of millions of tonnes of greenhouse carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere annually.
Whether or not you think the offshore wind farm zone is a good idea you should not stand for dishonesty in your local parliamentary representative. Parliamentarians have responsibilities. Mr Hastie is not living up to his.
I have tried to raise interest in finding a community independent in my electorate, Canning.Well before writing this page I made various efforts to start a movement toward finding a community independent candidate for Canning. I was unsuccessful. But I'll keep trying to do what I can to support the community independent movement.One of the first things I did was to post on a Facebook page 'Mandurah Community'. Some comments were favourable, some not - to the point of being insulting. Another early try was taping 40 small posters to rubbish bins (I didn't want to deface anything that might cause offence). I had absolutely no response and the posters didn't stay in place for more than a day or two. I joined a group on a Web site called Signal. I think it was through this that I came across one other person at the far end of the electorate of Canning who was pushing for a Community Independent for Canning. I've written letters to newspapers, the local one, Mandurah Coastal Times and the state paper, the West Australian. At least a couple of my letters were published, most weren't. I didn't receive any responses from anyone who may have read the letters. Most recently I've dropped a note into 50 letterboxes as a trial - I received no responses. Had I received even one response I may have gone on to do letterbox drops in hundreds or thousands of boxes.
What's in it for me?What do I have to gain by supporting a nation-wide movement toward getting more honest,
I am 78 years old. In about the last 50 years I've tried to make this world that we all share a little bit better place. The list below is just to give readers an idea of my activities:
References and related pagesExternal sites...Community Independents Project; you could think of this as a sort of a parent body for all existing and aspiring community independent politicians who are truly wanting better outcomes for their communities. "Greener, fairer, prosperous, alive with opportunities for all."Climate 200; an organisation that backs community independent candidates who are serious about climate, integrity, gender-equality and the tone of debate in Parliament. Climate change indicators reached record levels in 2023: World Meteorological Organization The big dry: forests and shrublands are dying in parched Western Australia; Murdoch University School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences lecturer Dr Joe Fontaine for The Conversation Climate change impacts; The Australian Museum. This extensive article goes into impacts on: heat, fire, drought, extreme weather events, sea level rise, coral reefs, biodiversity, communities and human health. Electoral Commission map of the electorate of Canning Proposed Offshore Wind Area: Indian Ocean off Bunbury, Western Australia, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Federal Government) The future will be green or black; an essay by David B Lauterwasser (the future will be black if people like Andrew Hastie make the important decisions).
Voices groups...The people of several federal electorates has started 'voices' pages to raise interest and support for better parliamentary representation
Voices for Forest: "We are a community group from the SW of WA. Our aim is: ensure that the entire Forrest community is heard and understood by the next representative.
Our values are our guiding principles: Community, Environment, Respect, Integrity, Positivity and Sustainability."
Voices of Bradfield, NSW
Voices of Farrer, NSW
Voices of Wannon, Victoria A book: The Indi Way
"The Indi Way tells the story of how concerned residents in the electorate of Indi inspired a movement that is sweeping the country … United by their shared values, they formed Voices for Indi — a grassroots group which set about engaging everyday people … The book is a riveting behind-the-scenes account of how a rural community found its own voice and changed the political landscape."
A community independent in Canning
Andrew Hastie; we can do far better for Canning
A confederation of independent politicians and candidates; this page, written in 2006, was my dream of something like the Community Independents Project. It didn't have much impact, but perhaps it sowed a seed in a few minds.
Climate change in the international context and in an Australian context.
The Liberals don't want sustainable energy and oppose climate change action
Killer coal; burning the coal kills millions of people world-wide each year through air pollution;
To oppose wind power is to support the (killer) fossil fuel industries
What about nuclear? The Liberals, in their irresponsible opposition to sustainable energy, are pushing nuclear power as well as fossil fuels. A big nuclear power station couldn't be built in Australia in less than 20 years and the 'small modular nuclear reactor' power stations that Mr Dutton is keen on are still in the developmental stage. And nuclear power would be far more expensive than wind or solar power. Conspicuously, almost all recent nuclear power stations built in the Western world have gone way over their budgeted cost and taken far longer to build than originally envisaged.
Offshore wind farms in general
Western Australia's offshore wind farm zone; the progressive proposal that, if fully developed, will displace millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually
Environment; a community independent will look after our shared environment
Ethics; a community independent will have high ethical standards
If you see something that is not right don't just walk by, do something
Why not help remove invasive weeds from parks and reserves near your home?
Intentional ignorance; is this what Mr Hastie is suffering from?
Wind power in Australia; a great step toward a sustainable future
Why I support the local wind farm (and why all decent people should too). Written when I had a house in Crystal Brook and a wind farm was proposed just out of town.
Wind power lies and liars
Andrew Hastie, lie of the month, February 2024