A confederation of independent politicians and candidates

Written 2006/07/17, last edited 2024/03/11
Contact: David K. Clarke – ©
Also see Vote Smart

Political parties are, by their nature, likely to attract corruption in the form of bribes, especially given the campagn donation scheme that exists in Australia. Australia's major political parties, Liberal, Labor and National, have become corrupt. They are blatently doing the bidding of big business and religious lobby groups and have lost almost all indication of ethical behaviour. The ALP is, of course, also controlled to some extent by the unions who have a strong hand on the purse strings. So far as I know the Greens are still largely 'clean'.

Independent politicians and minor parties are also open to bribes, but if they become corrupt they are easier to get rid of than are large parties.

But how to become known if you are an aspiring independent political candidate? I suggest setting up a confederation of independent candidates that will be devoted to helping the Australian public know their potential politicians. There are honest women and men out there, but we need to change the system so that they can get into parliament without loosing their morality.

I have given my opinion of several minor parties on another page on this site.

The Socialist alliance is a group that might be worth considering rather than voting for the major parties.

In South Australia there are two members of the Australian Greens in the Legislative Council.

Following the March 2010 election in South Australia there were three independent members of the House of Assembly: Geoff Brock was member for Frome, Bob Such was the member for Fisher and one of two independents were in the running for Mount Gambier, but at the time of writing (21st March 2010) which would get in was undecided.

Update, 2024

As mentioned on another page on this site, Climate 200 has been a big step toward true democracy by supporting well motivated independent politicians. Climate 200 has been a great success and must be scaring the pants off the major parties.

And then there is the Community Independents Project. "It is a collaboration to enable and support communities and Community Independents to build participatory democracy and conduct successful election campaigns. CIP is values driven and focused beyond the electoral cycle for the greater good of society, the environment and the economy."

As of March 2024 I am trying to raise interest in finding a community independent candidate who can take Andrew Hastie's seat (Canning, WA) away from him. He has dishonestly opposed a renewable energy development that will, if built, abate millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.