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Old King Coal is dying, but some people won't let him lie down

He has served us long and well, but he knows the end is fast approaching and he just wants to be left in peace to die with dignity.

This page written 2016/05/18
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There are many reasons to believe that the coal industry is in terminal decline, it is obvious that we must take serious action on climate change and ocean acidification, but some people just don't want to let poor old King Coal die in peace now that his time has clearly come.

Irresponsible and unsympathetic people keep on poking the old king with a stick when he tries to lie down and die. They are trying to get a few more dollars for themselves and their friends by exploiting to the full any little bit of life left in the poor old sod.

He knows that he is killing millions of people each year from his air pollution, he knows that it is time for his successor, renewable energy, to take over the throne. Why don't we all recognise the inevitable?

It won't be long before we hear the cry, "The king is dead. Long live the king." No one can delay the inevitable for ever.

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