Clare Gleeson Wetlands

Gleeson Wetlands can be approached via Christison Avenue, which involves a walk of 250 metres from the car park, or via Phoenix Avenue, with a walk of 120 metres from that car park. See the maps, on this page. There is also a Facebook page.

This page was last last edited June 19th 2023.         The photo below was taken on 2015/04/18
Ponds 2 and 3

The Gleeson Wetlands are at Clare, about 140km North of Adelaide, in Mid North South Australia.

The Clare region has many attractions, including its natural beauty, its wineries (the Clare Valley is known particularly for its riesling, although it also produces some excellent shiraz and other varieties), its restaurants, conservation parks, and one of my favourites, the Riesling Trail for walking and cycling.

Unlike most of Mid-North South Australia, which has been terribly over-cleared, much of the native bush has been retained in the Clare region, adding greatly to its attractiveness.

The Lions' Green Team aims to make the Gleeson Wetlands one of Clare's most popular places for walkers and bird watchers.


The Wetlands' best years

I'm writing this in September 2021. For a number of reasons, but mostly because of a declining pool of voluntary workers, and at least one of those workers getting too old and decrepit to do anywhere near as much work as he was previously able to do, I suspect the best years of the Gleeson Wetlands are, or soon will be, in the past. At least this page will give some sort of photographic record of it in its heyday.

A large part of the problem is also the multiplication of weeds. At the beginning, in 2014, there were a great many weeds. But there were practically no ground cover plants and they covered very little ground, so weeds could be sprayed out. Now ground cover plants are spread over a large part of the area, weeds are coming up through them, and are going to seed. The weeds can't be killed by spraying without killing the desirable plants.

But I shouldn't be overly pessimistic, most of the weeds are annual, the Wetland plants are perennial; the weeds will die off each summer. A number of the species of shrubs and trees, which are small at present will continue to grow; I'm thinking particularly of the yaccas, Callitris and Eucalyptus caesia. The Wetlands vegetation will evolve.

I (David Clarke) have greatly enjoyed my seven years (so far) of looking after the Gleeson Wetlands and have been able to feel I've done something of some value to the community in which I live.

On these pages...

What has been done recently?
What needs to be done?
Bird species list
Bird surveys
Plant species list
Planting notes
Plant species photos

A photographic record
History, and early photos
Photos from 2014
Photos from 2015
Photos from 2016
Wetlands at the end of 2016
Photos from 2017
Photos from 2018
Photos from 2020
Photos from 2021

A personal perspective

Since late May 2015 we have a Facebook Page.


Climate change/wind power

I, David Clarke, the author of these pages, am greatly concerned about climate change and associated problems. The changing climate is a threat to all I hold dear, including Gleeson Wetlands. For that reason I do what I can to end the use of fossil fuels and support solar and wind power.

If some readers do not like this note being on this page about Gleeson Wetlands, I honestly don't give a damn. For more information see a personal perspective, below.


The ring road around all three ponds is about 950m long. The area of the Gleeson Wetlands is around 4.1ha. Of this about 1.2ha is ponds, and there is 2.9ha of planted area. To put this in perspective, 2.9ha is 29,000 square metres. The average modern back yard in Clare would be perhaps 200 square metres (maybe 10m × 20m?) So the Wetlands is roughly the size of 145 back yards; it requires quite a bit of looking after.


If you would like to get involved in looking after the wetlands, contact Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council, 08 8842 6400; Sue Mayfield, 08 8842 3230; or (me, the writer of this page) Dave Clarke, 0400 256 125. You don't have to join Lions.

You could pass your time playing golf or bowls, but if you did, would your community and the world be a better place at the end of your game? Or you could spend a few hours gardening in the Gleeson Wetlands and your community and the world will be a little better place because of your efforts.

What has been done recently?

In the several months up to March 2019:
  1. More mulch has been spread;

  2. The battle against invasive weeds continued; it will never be won, but they were under control;

  3. There has been little new planting. Of the planting that has been done most has been ground-covers that compete effectively with weeds;

  4. Many guards have been removed as they became redundant when out-grown by the plants inside them;
Little planting has been needed recently due to the area being sufficiently covered with growing and spreading existing plants.

What needs to be done?

As of 28th March 2019:
  1. Some trees and shrubs have died due to the long, hot, dry summer/autumn; these need to be cut down;

  2. The hot, dry weather has stopped weed germination, but there are always a few weeds that could be hoed, pulled out, sprayed or covered with mulch;

  3. There are a few places where mulch could be moved by wheelbarrows and spread;
Also see What has been done recently?


A number of groups and people have helped with the wetland work.

The Lions Club Green Team would like to particularly thank:

  • Those Lions members and wives who have helped, you know who you are;
  • Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council;
  • Nicole Heneker;
  • Ann Flower;
  • Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Board;
  • Brian and Barb Reinke (Clare Woodyard) for their donations of mulch;
  • Trees For Life for supplying seedling trees and shrubs;
  • Benjamin Parkin for growing trees and shrubs through Trees For Life;
  • Uta Grehn for identifying many of the plants;
  • Horrie Mills for his bird surveys;
  • Peter Wood for help in spreading mulch, sourcing a water supply, etcetera.
My apologies to any that I've missed.


Money: the necessary evil. I'll keep this section as short as possible. The financial side of the wetlands is nothing to do with me, but it has been discussed at Lions meetings so I thought it necessary to put the situation, as I understand it, here.

As of the time of writing this, 2015/05/13, no money spent on the wetlands came out of the funds that the Lions devote to 'normal' activity. Council pays for spraying contractors and for consumables such as weedicides.

In August 2014 Council gave the Lions $2000, which to the time of writing has not been spent on the wetland. So the Lions are $2000 ahead because they took on some responsibility for the wetlands.

Some money is now proposed to be spent on signage at the wetlands. A part of this, about $350, will be paid by the Lions out of the $2000 they received from Council in August 2014.

Bird species list

Black-fronted dotterel
Seen at the wetlands, 2015/07/03
Some of the bird species that have been recorded at Gleeson Wetlands...
(The tree plantation south of the ponds and north of Christison avenue and the Hutt River adjacent to the ponds were included for bird sitings.)

Common nameScientific nameRecorded by
BlackbirdTurdus merulaBill O'Malley
Coot, EurasianFulica atraDKC
Corella, littleCacatua sanguineaDKC, Bill O'Malley
Cormorant, little piedMicrocarbo melanoleucosDKC, Bill O'Malley
Cuckoo-shrike, black facedCoracina novaehollandiae Bill O'Malley
Darter, Australasian (snakebird)Anhinga novaehollandiaeDKC
Dotterel, black-frontedElseyornis melanopsDKC
Duck, Australian woodChenonetta jubataDKC
Duck, freckledStictonetta naevosaDavid Donato
Duck, hardheadAythya australisDavid Donato
Duck, Pacific blackAnas superciliosaDKC
Duck, pink earedMalacorhynchus membranaceuBill O'Malley
GalahEolophus roseicapillaDKC, Bill O'Malley
Grebe, AustralasianTachybaptus novaehollandiaeDKC, Horrie Mills
Grebe, hoary-headedPoliocephalus poliocephalus Horrie Mills
Heron, white-facedEgretta novaehollandiaeDKC, Horrie Mills
Common nameScientific nameRecorded by
Honeyeater, New HollandPhylidonyris novaehollandiae Pat Williams
Honeyeater, white-plumedLichenostomus penicillatusDKC
Ibis, Australian whiteThreskiornis moluccusDKC
Ibis, straw-neckedThreskiornis spinocollisHorrie Mills
Kookaburra, laughingDacelo novaeguineaeHorrie Mills
Lapwing, masked; (Plover)Vanellus milesDKC
Lorikeet, muskGlossopsitta concinnaPat Williams
Lorikeet, rainbowTrichoglossus moluccanus Bill O'Malley
Magpie, AustralianCracticus tibicenDKC, Horrie Mills
Magpie, Australian (white backed)Cracticus tibicen Bill O'Malley
Minor, noisyManorina melanocephala Mills, O'Malley
Mistletoe birdDicaeum hirundinaceumBill O'Malley
Moorhen, duskyGallinula tenebrosaBill O'Malley
Mudlark, magie-lark, pee witGrallina cyanoleuca DKC
Nankeen night heronNycticorax caledonicusDKC
Native-hen, black-tailedGallinula ventralisDKC
Pardalote, striatedPardalotus striatusBill O'Malley
Parrot, red-rumpedPsophotus haematonotusBill O'Malley
Pelican, AustralianPelecanus conspicillatusDKC
Common nameScientific nameRecorded by
Pigeon, common bronzewingPhaps chalcopteraHorrie Mills
Pigeon, crestedOcyphaps lophotesDKC, Bill O'Malley
Rail, buff bandedGallirallus philippensisTravis Hague
Raven, littleCorvus melloriHorrie Mills
Rosella, AdelaidePlatycercus elegans adelaidaeHorrie Mills
Shrike-thrush, greyColluricincia harmonica Bill O'Malley
Silvereye, grey backedZosterops lateralis Bill O'Malley
Sparrow, housePasser domesticusBill O'Malley
Sparrowhawk, collaredAccipiter cirrhocephalus Bill O'Malley
Starling, commonSturnus vulgarisBill O'Malley
Swallow, welcomeHirundo neoxenaDKC, Bill O'Malley
Swan, blackCygnus atratusDKC
Teal, greyAnas gracilisHorrie Mills
Wagtail, willieRhipidura leucophrysDKC, Bill O'Malley
Wattlebird, redAnthochaera carunculataHorrie Mills
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostrisBill O'Malley

Some species that I (DKC) was not sure of were confirmed or made more specific by Horrie Mills or Bill O'Malley.

If you have seen other birds at the wetlands, post your sightings on the Facebook page or email me (

More on birds

Buff banded rail
Photo by Travis Hague, 2019/01/02

Bird surveys by Horrie Mills

Bird watchers should find this information useful. It will give an indication of what species are likely to be present.

Date and Number seen
Common name2017/11/162017/11/232017/12/15
Australian wood duck16152
Pacific black duck101113
Grey teal023
Pink-eared duck011
Hard head (White eyed duck)622
Hoary-headed grebe122
Pied cormorant (little)100
Little black cormorant5316
White-faced heron020
Australian white ibis020
Dusky moorhen322
Black-tailed native-hen100
Eurasian coot202212
Masked lapwing233
Spotted turtle-dove300
Common bronzewingcall22
Crested pigeon437
Little corella0200
Musk lorikeet265
Purple-crowned lirikeet001
Crimson rosella345
Red-rumped parrot222
Laughing kookaburracallcall2
Red wattlebird767
Noisy minor110
White-plumed honeyeater1059
Grey shrike-thrush102
Willie wagtail332
Black-faced cuckoo-shrike022
Australian magpie12135
Little ravencall322
House swallow001
Australian reed-warbler220
Common blackbird543
Common starling0100


Turtle eggs
Turtle eggs accidentally found in pile of mulch, 2015/01/23
I didn't notice the eggs until I tipped out a bucket of mulch and saw them as they are here. I covered them with more mulch. Only one was seen to be broken.

I came across another three eggs on 2015/11/13. None broken, immediately covered again.

Since then I have come across other turtle egg clutches.

In October 2018 I took a couple of photos of a newly hatched turtle.

I came across this turtle crossing one of the wetland roads on 2015/11/26 and luckily he kept his head and legs out of his shell long enough for me to get a couple of photos.

This was the first live turtle that I had seen out of the water.


Natural Environment Award Premier's Award

These two awards were presented to Clare Lions representatives at Glenelg on 2015/10/25.
The Premier's Award for the 'best project overall' was the top award handed out on the day.

Mayoral award President's Award

On the left Allan Mayfield is holding the Mayoral Award given to the Gleeson Wetlands Green Team on Australia Day, 2018/01/26. The Green Team consisted of Allan, Pat Williams, David Kleinig, and David Clarke.
On the right is the Clare Lions President's Recognition Award given to David Clarke for Gleeson Wetlands work on the same day.


Near the main entrance to the wetlands, Pond 1
Sculpture 1
These sculpture were installed in early February 2021, they were produced by Darren Pattison.

The organisational work was done by Patrick Williams.

At the northern end of Pond 3
Sculpture 2

At the shelter shed on Pond 3
Sculpture 3

Adjacent to the bird hide
Sculpture 4

Mulch: what purposes does it serve?

There seems to be some confusion over the purpose of mulching the plants in Gleeson Wetlands. I hope that this piece might help explain what it can achieve and how it works.

Mulch that has done its job
Mulched plants
NW corner of Pond 3, 2015/02/23

Obviously, it would be far better if there were no weeds at all, but the mulch has been effective in keeping the weeds away from the two plants. The photo was taken just before I hoed the closer weeds and added more mulch.

This photo shows how big the weed problem was in the first year or more. By mid 2017 they were far more under control.

There are several very useful purposes mulch can serve:

  1. Many weed seeds are very small, if they are covered with a few centimetres of mulch the germinating weed will die before it reaches the light;
  2. If the smaller weeds are covered with mulch they will die because their light is cut off;
  3. Mulch will limit the moisture loss by evaporation from the soil.
In more detail:
  1. Many weed seeds are very small. This is partly because many weeds have evolved the ability to produce a great many seeds, but because of the amount of energy invested, they can't produce both a great many seeds and large seeds.

    A seedling that germinates from a small seed under 5cm of mulch will die before it can grow up to reach the sunlight it needs because there is insufficient energy stored in that seed to get it that far.

  2. Australians are well aware that plants can easily die from lack of water in our long, hot summers. Obviously moisture at the surface of the soil evaporates very quickly on a hot day. Much less obviously, capillary action can then draw more moisture to the surface where it too will evaporate. This can continue until there is very little moisture in the top 10 or 20cm of soil. capillary action can not draw water through a layer of mulch because the mulch lacks the very fine capillaries that are needed and that exist in soil.

  3. Summer weeds are even more effective at drawing moisture out of the soil than is capillary action. If you can keep weeds half a metre or more from the plant you want to grow you will stop them stealing the precious soil water, conserving it for the plant you want to grow.

Maps; Map 1

Gleeson Wetlands: location in Clare, South Australia
Gleeson Wetlands in Clare
From Google Maps

The wetlands are about a kilometre North-North-West of the Clare town centre. (They can be found on Google Maps.)

In wet periods they receive water from the Hutt River flowing from the South and from Inchiquin Lake to the East. About half of the flow of the Hutt River goes into the wetlands at the top (southern) end, through all of the ponds, and back into the river.

Map 2

Gleeson Wetlands
Gleeson Wetlands
From Google Maps

There is a small pond (lower centre of photo) on the Hill River. The River then follows the line of trees toward the North.

When there is a flow in the River some of the water goes over a concrete causeway (visible as a white strip) into pond one, then over other causeways into Ponds 2 and 3, before flowing over another causeway and back into the Hill River at the top left of the photo.

Note how bare the ground around the ponds looks; image date 2013/06/11. Compare this with the images from the end of 2016.

Map 3

Trail map
Trail map

The paths around Gleeson Wetlands are connected to the well known Riesling Trail by combined walking and cycling trails through Melrose Park.

Photos from 2016

The photos are in chronological order. Compare these photos with those taken at the time Lions took over partial responsibility for the wetlands in the History section. There are also photos from 2014 and 2015.

Pond 3
Pacific black ducks on Pond 2, Pond 1 in background

Pond 3
Pond 2, looking south

Pond 3
Pond 3, looking north-west

Pond 3
Pond 2, looking north-east

Pond 3
Planted area adjacent Pond 2, looking north

Pond 3
Kids from the Burra Kindergarten visited on 2016/06/14

Rachel Bird's photos of the high flow on 2016/07/05

River and Pond 1
Causeway between river and Pond 1

Pond 2, 3
The tree in the water is adjacent to the causeway between Pond 2 and Pond 3

Pond 3
Floating litter in the southern end of Pond 3

Ponds 2 and 3
Water flowing over the causeway between Ponds 2 and 3

Three drone photos

Drone shot, Pond 1 in foreground looking north, following the flooding rains of late September 2016

Drone shot of Pond 3, looking south, following the flooding rains of late September 2016

Flood damage, 2016

Flood damage
The damage to the culvert and crossing on the water-course from Inchiquin Lake, following the flooding rains of late September (see Rachel Bird's photos, above), drone again.
The stony sediment below the ford on the upper right was also left by the flood.
Photo 2016/10/02
Repairs to the crossing were completed in early August 2017.

The root system of this redgum was weakened when the landscaping was done in 2012; it was blown down in the storms of late September 2016

More than a hundred yacca (Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata) seedlings were planted in late 2016. These are pretty typical of the size they were when planted at the wetlands.
Photo 2016/12/20
Most of the yacca seedlings planted in late 2016, while still very small, were growing slowly but steadily in late winter 2017. Few had died. In mid 2020 there were many still in place, still quite small.

Vegetation cover was by this time pretty good around Ponds 1 and 2, but there was a long way to go around Pond 3. Wherever there is bare ground there is an oportunity for a weed to establish; they have a far harder time getting going underneath a shrub or groundcover.

Mulching certainly suppresses weed seed germination, but it only lasts a year or so before it breaks down enough for weeds to get a start again. The long-term solution is getting the plants we want over most of the area.

On past experience we can expect a lot of growth through the coming summer.

Pond 1
Pond 1
Overhead view of Pond 1
We have perhaps a 60% plant cover over the ground around this pond.

Pond 2
Pond 2
Overhead view of Pond 2
Like Pond 1, vegetation cover is pretty good here, perhaps 50%.

Pond 3
Pond 3
Overhead view of Pond 3
There's still a lot of bare ground for weeds to take advantage of here, I'd estimate that we only have about 20% of the ground covered.

Photos from 2017

A frosty morning
Frosty morning
Click on, or touch, photo to see in full size

Frosty morning

Frosty morning

Drone photos, October 2017

Pigface blooming, eastern side of Pond 3

Eastern side of Pond 2

Centre shelter shed
Shelter shed
More pigface cuttings were planted the next day

Pond 1
Pond 1

Pond 2
Pond 2

Pond 3
Pond 3

Photos from 2018

October 15th

Baby turtle
Baby turtle
When I was gardening in the wetland a lady came up to me with this little bloke and asked what I thought should be done with it. We agreed that it needed to be put near the water.

To judge by the size he must have just hatched.

I had, several times a year or more earlier, come across clutches of turtle eggs in heaps of mulch.

Baby turtle
Here he is disappearing into the water.

Native hibiscus Alyogyne huegelii, the bush, upper centre, and pigface Carpobrotus glaucescens?, ground cover, foreground and background, flowering.

There is a lot of pigface at the Wetlands. This is partly because it is a very useful groundcover, partly because it is very attractive when flowering, but importantly, given the dire shortage of voluntary labour, it is easy to propagate and grows well.

Pigface Carpobrotus glaucescens? flowering near the centre shelter shed.

Early on a winter's morning, 2018/08/14












Photos from 2020

2020/04/24, drone photos

Pond 1

Pond 1; this and Pond 2 filled following the rain at the end of February. Pond 1 received a little more inflow around late March too.

This and the two photos below were taken on 2020/04/24 using my Mavik Mini drone.

Pond 2
Pond 2

Pond 3
Pond 3. Very little water flowed into this pond during the whole of summer and autumn to the date of this photo: 2020/04/24. I have not seen this pond so low in all the time that the Lions have been involved in the wetlands, since April 2014.

The water level in autumn of 2021 was even lower. The upstream end of Pond 3 completely dried out.

Pond 3
Pond 3 after the rains of late April-early May. Not full, but far better looking than 11 days earlier (above).

Photo taken 2020/05/05.

Inchiquin Lake

Inchiquin Lake is 400m east of the Wetlands. The dam was built some years before the Wetlands and the lake is much bigger than the Wetlands ponds. However, while the Wetlands ponds get runoff from a substantial part of the roofs, bitumen and concrete of Clare township, Inchiquin is not so fortunate. Much more rainfall is needed to fill Inchiquin than the Wetland ponds.

When Inchiquin Lake overflows the water runs into Pond 2 of the Wetlands. This washed out a culvert and ford following the flooding rains of July 2026.

Inchiquin Lake, or perhaps more appropriately, Inchiquin Puddle. This photo was taken the same day as those above, 2020/04/24. As for Pond 3 above, I've never seen Inchiquin so near dry. A taste of things to come with climate change.

Photo taken on 2020/04/24 before the rains of late April-early May.

By the autumn of 2021 the lake level was even lower.

Photos from 2021

Pincushion Hakea, Hakea laurina

Pincushion Hakea, Hakea laurina
Pincushion Hakea, Hakea laurina
Photographed with a Canon Ixus 190
I didn't realise that we had any pincushion Hakea's until my wife, Denece, pointed out this flowering specimen on 2021/06/19.

New area
This area, between the river and the path, was cleared of feral introduced deciduous trees a couple of years(?) before this photo was taken on 2021/09/29. The bare ground had to be cleared of weeds and planted.

The plants were getting fair coverage by the time of the image.

Native hibiscus
Native hibiscus Alyogyne huegelii flowers. At the time, September 2021, there were three of these shrubs flowering in the Wetlands.


Yaccas, October 2021

These yaccas were planted as seedlings in late 2016. They have grown slowly ever since.


Kangaroo fast food
Browsing damage
Browsing damage
Sheoak eaten by kangaroos or rabbits?
There have been some frustrations involved with getting the vegetation properly established at the wetlands.

While they haven't been caught in the act, kangaroos and rabbits are chief suspects for eating all but the main stem of a number of sheoaks and ducks have apparently been cropping some of the newly planted seedlings.

The photo at the right shows two sheoaks (Allocasuarina verticillata) that have been heavily browsed. Sheoaks are one of the trees that are most palatable to browsing animals; oddly there are some sheoaks in the wetlands that seem to have hardly been touched.

There seems to have been little damage to plants from any cause from about 2016 onwards at least to early 2022.


Around 2018, shortly after the bird hide was built, there were several incidences of vandalism to that.

But unlike Crystal Brook's Central Park there has been practically no vandalism to plants that I know of.

Sprayed in error
Sprayed in error
Atriplex suberecta

Off-target spray damage

Probably the biggest frustration is 'off-target damage' from weed spraying, as shown in the photos on the right.

A number of the native salbush, Atriplex suberecta, plants have been sprayed in spite of being marked by bamboo stakes.

The damage in the photo on the right and in the next few photos happened in June 2015.

Atriplex suberecta is, by some people and in some places, considered to be a weed, but bare ground will always attract weeds and it is better to have this covering the ground than exotics.

It seems that spray drift has damaged this and other prostrate saltbush Atriplex semibacata plants.

Spray drift
Spray drift
Atriplex semibacata
There are many plants that have been killed or badly damaged in this area, on the NE side of Pond 3. How this has happened is something of a mystery.

Spray drift damage
Spray drift
Acacia pycnantha

A personal perspective

Gleeson Wetlands early on an Autumn morning
On 4th May 2015 I calculated that I had put in about 110 hours work on the wetlands since the beginning of the year. And I've enjoyed every minute of it.

To outsiders the wines and wineries would be the big attractions of the Clare Valley.

The Riesling Trail has been my favourite Clare attraction and I suspect that many locals would share that opinion. I'm doing my best to change their views.

The Gleeson Wetlands has the potential to be the most beautiful little spot in the Clare Valley and I reckon the Lions and all the others who've helped with the necessary work have a good chance of making it so! I certainly intend to do what I can to get it there.

My wider aims

I am over 70 years old. A while ago I decided that the best thing I could do with the remainder of my life was to do as much as I can to get action on climate change because it is the greatest single threat to the future of our world and much more could easily be done than is being done, especially in our country, Australia. To this end I write on the Internet, lobby politicians and do anything else that I can think of that might achieve something (I've done two long walks in an effort to get something done), but there's only so much that one can do without annoying people.

One way that we can easily reduce greenhouse emissions is to change from fossil fuels to renewable energy for the generation of our electricity. South Australia has great wind and solar power resources and they are nowhere near fully utilised. One of the reasons our wind resources are not more fully utilised is the opposition that sometimes builds up to many proposed wind farms. This opposition of often based on ignorance and the lies spread by dishonest people. I do my best to provide the facts on wind power in Australia.

So, when I can't think of how I can productively get more action on climate change I can make the world a little better place by working on Gleeson Wetlands.

By the way, I've written a page on how our region, Mid-North South Australia, is leading the nation in renewable energy developments. We should all be very proud of this.


Lions Gleeson Wetlands

Facebook Gleeson Wetlands page

Trip Adviser Gleeson Wetlands page

A video published in June 2013 by the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council, about a year after establishment of the wetlands.

An informative brochure on Gleeson Wetlands

Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council page; provides a link to the brochure (above), a link to the Facebook page, but very little information on the wetlands.

More general

Clare and Gilbert Valleys 100% renewable; a pipe dream or could it happen?



Some thoughts on ethics

Killer coal

A letter to my great-grandchildren.

Mid North SA, the leader in renewable power in Australia

Northern SA leading in renewable energy

A safe path to Armagh for cyclists and walkers.

Responsible cafes in the Mid North

Revegetating Crystal Brook's Central Park

Self or all: selfishness or altruism?

To oppose wind power is to support coal

A walk for climate change action

Walking for climate change awareness: cleaning up the roadsides at the same time

Why I support the local wind farm