The author of these pages is not beholden to any company or lobby group and
is entirely independent; see
About Me.
Rather than write pages such as this, I would prefer to simply inform people of the facts, but someone needs to expose those who lie about wind power. I have written about wind power since at least early 2004. My impression is that all of those who vocally oppose wind power are willing either to lie, exaggerate, misrepresent the facts, distort the truth, use insults and abuse, or all of the above. Reader: please inform me if you know of anyone who is both vocally opposed to wind power and is honest and is polite. My email address is below. As with all my pages, informed feedback is welcome. If you are disagreeing with some point please supply evidence in support of your argument. |
The opposition
Strikingly, the main common factor among the more prominent individuals and groups who are opposing wind power in Australia is a willingness to lie; or if not knowingly lying, at least displaying an high level of ignorance and a willingness to repeat falsehoods without fact-checking. The use of insults, abuse and name-calling is also common. Their misinformation campaign is causing huge harm to the urgently needed response to climate change. |
When all else fails resort to abuseIt is notable on the internet when there is 'debate' between wind power supporters and detractors, that the latter make very little use of evidence and science (no doubt because it is generally against them) but use insults, abuse, name-calling and personal attacks.Another common tactic is to hide behind a false name so that they can tell lies and libel people without suffering the consequences. |
A natural alliance
Politicians who fall in this group are Senators Ron Boswell, John Madigan and Chris Back and South Australian Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council David Ridgway. A prominent reporter using this dubious course is Graham Lloyd, anti-environment Editor for The Australian. Angus Taylor, Liberal member for Hume, has two motives, chasing the support of those who oppose wind power as well as a personal desire to not have wind turbines near his own property. The opponents are always looking for anyone who is willing to champion their cause, the politicians are looking for followers; the two groups form a natural alliance. Cherry-picking evidenceMost opponents are very willing to cherry-pick evidence. A good example of this is to do with land values. There are a very few cases of courts deciding that a wind farm, or a proposed wind farm, has caused a decrease in land values. The great majority of the evidence, including a number of studies, have shown that there is no significant or long-term decline in land values linked with nearby wind farms. The opponents reference the few court decisions that have gone against wind farms while ignoring the bulk of the evidence.
What type of people support or oppose renewable energy?At the time of writing [this section] I have been home several days from a 328km Walk for Solar Power from Port Augusta to Adelaide in South Australia. There are two old and polluting coal-fired power stations at Port Augusta. These are to be replaced with either renewable energy or gas-fired power stations. The Walk was organised by an inspiring group called the Australian Youth Climate Coalition in support of a solar thermal power station combined with a wind farm rather than the polluting gas option.
What type of person did the walk?The great majority were young people from their late teens to early thirties, but there were also six who were in their sixties. They were well informed, intelligent, and at least largely motivated by altruistic aims; they wanted to see strong action to slow the rate of climate change. They wanted a future that was not greatly inferior to the present.
What type of person opposes wind farm developments?There are two main classes of people who oppose wind farm developments:
Some opponents of wind power fear that the turbines will make them sick (there's no scientifically acceptable evidence that they do), some have large investments in mining and/or the fossil fuel industry. I have written more on this subject on the main wind power page. Quite honestly the majority of people who publicly oppose wind power tend to repeat anything they have heard that seems to support their stance with very little regard to truthfulness, are not interested in sound evidence and they do very little research into the facts.
Some examples of typical comments by wind power opponentsThe following Facebook comments are typical; commonly no evidence is given for a particular point, there is no rational argument, name-calling and insults are common, and there is a refusal to accept well-founded evidence.
About the Wind Power Ethics pages:
These notes concern the 'Wind Power Ethics' pages, for which this
page serves as a base.
page deals with the purpose and background of my general wind power pages.
Yet another page deals with ethics in
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I have argued in another page that for a person in a position of power to knowingly lie in an effort to slow action to limit climate change has to be to take part in the greatest crime in the history of humanity.
Climate change (and the related problems of ocean acidification, ocean warming and sea level rise) are the greatest threats facing our planet in the early twenty-first century. Australia ranks 53rd in the world in population, but sixth in the world in the CO2 produced by its mainly coal-burning electricity industry; it has 0.3% of the world's population, but produces 1.2% of the world's greenhouse gasses; it is well up among the worst greenhouse polluters on the planet. Everyone in the world – but Australians in particular – have an ethical responsibility to future generations to limit these forms of harm as much as we can. We must, among other things, stop burning fossil fuels. One way we can reduce the amount of fossil fuel we burn is by replacing it with renewable energy, including wind power.
In addition to the climate-related problems, a lesser known fact is that the air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels kills millions of people world-wide each year.
Those who knowingly, or even unknowingly – by the repetition of other people's lies – dishonestly slander wind power and so slow action on climate change and ending the burning of fossil fuels are doing enormous harm. There can be no doubt that such action is unethical. My aim in writing these pages is to expose these groups and people.
I ask the reader to imagine how these people will be seen by future generations. By the time my grandchildren are middle-aged and our wonderful planet has been severely damaged by climate change and related problems people will find it almost impossible to understand how those of our generation allowed rampant climate change to happen, with very little effort to limit it. But those who lied and misled to fight against action to limit climate change will be seen as the worst of the worst.
Shining a light on their lies, giving honest people the facts about wind power, and in the process, doin all I can to foil the subversion of groups and people such as these gives me a great deal of satisfaction. It gives me another very worth-while purpose in my retirement; something that I can do and be very proud of doing. What better can anyone do with their time than expose those who, apparently due to their selfishness, and perhaps ignorance, are working to damage the world that we should be doing our best to protect?
Anthropogenic climate change is a fact and recognised as such by the vast majority of climate scientists and national governments (including Australia's), many WFOs deny it, in some cases at least it seems this is purely to help them discredit wind power. More information: Why accept climate science?
There is no evidence that wind farms make people ill; many WFOs claim otherwise. More information: Wind turbines improve health
There is no evidence that wind farms substantially lower property values; many WFOs claim otherwise. More information: Wind farms and land values
WFOs claim that pro-wind people say that those who believe that they have been made ill by wind turbines are telling lies; not so – we claim that they are mistaken in the cause of their illnesses. More information: Wind farms and health
WFOs blame wind farms for social disruption. There is no social disruption where there are no WFOs (some examples in just the region of South Australia where I live; there is no social disruption at Snowtown, Clements Gap, Wattle Point, Hornsdale wind farms); so it is the WFOs, rather than the wind farms, who cause social disruption. More information: Wind farms and social conflict
WFOs like to blame wind power for poor economic performance in the hosting nation or state. Germany has more wind power than any other European nation, it also has a higher gross domestic product (GDP) than any other European nation. Denmark has the highest amount of installed wind power per capita of any European nation, it also has the sixth highest per-capita GDP of any European nation (out of a total of 48 nations). More information: Financial and social rankings of sovereign states in Europe
WFOs have commonly claimed that wind farms generate very little electricity: in the year up to June 2023 South Australia's wind farms generated about 46% of the state's electricity. In 2002 SA had no wind power and negligible renewable energy.
Those opposed to the Ceres wind farm proposed for SA's Yorke Peninsula claim that wind power is not compatible with agriculture; yet the three most agriculturally productive US states also have the most wind power. More information: Agriculture and wind power are compatible
WFOs complain about being called selfish, but they are putting their own wants ahead of the pressing need to change from polluting fossil fuel energy to renewable energy; the burning of fossil fuels is causing ocean acidification, is the single biggest cause of anthropogenic climate change (ACC) and the burning of coal and diesel in particular causes air pollution that kills millions of people each year. At worst, WFOs will have to see and perhaps sometimes hear nearby wind farms; they will not suffer any more harm than that. More information: Wind turbines save lives
WFOs commonly use abuse, name-calling and character attacks against pro-wind people. More information: Character attack
PaybackIn these pages I have annoyed some very powerful people and groups. I am expecting, sooner or later, that someone will either make a serious attempt at a character assassination or try to use litigation to silence me. I don't believe I have written anything that is libellous, but a court case can be cripplingly expensive even is one is innocent.
Any of these people who feel that I have targetted them unfairly can provide evidence in support of their case. I am quite ready to listen to rational argument. When I first wrote this page I was 67 years old; these people cannot do much to harm me. I am considering giving everything I own to my wife so that the enemies of action on climate change cannot rob my wife, children and grandchildren.
World Council For Nature, dedicated to twisting the truth in an effort to make renewable energy look bad.
The World Council for Nature makes lofty sounding statements about its dedication to protecting nature at the same time as completely ignoring the greatest single threat to nature, the burning of fossil fuels, which is the main cause of climate change, ocean acidification and sea level rise. My impression is that in spite of claims of independence the WCFN group is supported by the fossil fuel industry in its war against its greatest threat, the encroachment of renewable, sustainable, clean energy. They don't want to face the fact that coal is a killer of humans and nature and that the end of the coal industry is near.
"Contrary to what green activists, corrupt politicians and windfarm salesmen tell us, the science is not settled on climate change."The truth is that the science is settled and there are a great many reasons to believe the facts of the matter. The WCFN site spoke of: "wilderness areas invaded by wind turbines, deserts desecrated by solar plants",but significantly didn't mention the much greater damage to nature caused by coal mining or the air pollution and ocean acidification caused by the burning of coal and other fossil fuels.
There is a huge amount of evidence indicating that climate change, ocean acidification and the air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels are incomparably greater threats to nature than is the renewable energy that can displace fossil fuels.
Related pagesExternal sitesAn article that covers most of the aspects of wind power opposition in a clear and succinct way was written for Green Left Weekly by Coral Wynter.Are anti-wind turbine groups causing wind turbine syndrome?, by Wendy Zukerman. An interesting article in The Limited Times (originally written by Christian Stocker and published in German in Spiegel, 2019/11/17), titled "Wind power opponents: You ruined our future". The damage done by wind power opponents seen from a German point of view.
Fallacies About Wind [power]; Submission to inquiry by Professor Diesendorf.
On this siteOpposition to wind power and to the coal industry; opposition to wind power is usually selfish while opposition to coal is usually altruisticThose who oppose wind power often deny climate change. It seems that the reasoning is something like this: "If climate change is real then there is a strong need for development of renewable energy to replace fossil fuel energy. If I deny the reality of climate change then I have a stronger argument against wind power." To oppose wind power is, in effect, to support the killer coal industry. A page has been dedicated to links relating to wind power; other links are scattered throughout the text of all my wind power pages. |